7 things you need to know about RPA
We build intelligent office robots, so our customers have more time for business and spend less on routine tasks.
RPA is just software
RPA is software that, along with artificial intelligence (AI), can perform tasks that would otherwise be manually carried out by a person at a computer. Just as a physical robot can eliminate physical manual processes in a factory, a software robot can eliminate manual processes at a computer screen.
RPA – your virtual employee
RPA is a software robot that acts as a virtual employee and can work anytime and as much as needed – without making mistakes.
RPA does not replace other software
Regardless which software programs you use in your organization a software robot can work within them and across your different systems. It simply requires the robot to have access to those systems, just like the employees who currently perform the tasks.
RPA provides time for business development, focus and customers
By having a software robot perform time-consuming manual tasks, time is freed up for more innovative tasks. These tasks lead to greater job satisfaction for employees and a better experience for customers.
RPA can be easy and cost-effective to start up
RPA technologies and solutions are evolving rapidly. Today, there is an opportunity to choose a solution that efficiently puts the initial robots to work without costing a fortune or requiring your organization to invest in expensive software licenses and months of employee training. Solutions are available that can handle development, operation, and ongoing adjustment and maintenance of the robots. In other words, an all-inclusive solution that makes it easy and straightforward.
RPA is not just for large organizations
In all companies where there are rule-based tasks or where data is extracted from documents such as PDFs, there is potential. What is crucial to determine whether a task is suitable for automation is the amount of time spent on each task, the complexity of the process, and whether it’s a workflow that doesn’t change too frequently.
RPA is best when
- The tasks are uniform and rule based
- Data needs to be consolidated from documents and various sources
- The tasks do not change significantly over time
- Data quality is important – unlike humans, robots do not make errors